Mochokidae - African Squeaker and Suckermouth Catfishes

So many fishes... So little time...


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
H. Matthes1959Poissons nouveaux du Ruanda
E. Mohamed2010Characterization of two Synodontis (Siluriformes: Mochokidae) catfish species in the White Nile and Lake Nubia
G. R. Moyer, Burr, B. M., Krajewski, C.2004Phylogenetic relationships of thorny catfishes (Siluriformes: Doradidae) inferred from molecular and morphological data
J. Nichols, Griscom L.1917Fresh-water fishes of the Congo basin obtained by the American Museum Congo expedition, 1909-1915
J. Nichols, La Monte F.1953Two new African catfishes from eastern French Equatorial Africa
J. Nichols, La Monte F.1934More new fishes from the Kasai district of the Belgian Congo
J. Norman1935A collection of fishes from the Ashanti Forest, Gold Coast
J. Norman1932A collection of fishes from Sierra Leone
J. Norman1923A new cyprinoid fish from Tanganyika Territory, and two new fishes from Angola
J. Norman1922Four new fishes from Tanganyika Territory
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P. K. Ofori-Danson, Vanderpuye, C. J., de Graaf, G. J.2001Growth and mortality of the catfish, Hemisynodontis membranaceus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire), in the northern arm of Lake Volta, Ghana
K. Ohnishi, Ogawa, Y., Takahashi, A., Yamashita, M.2004Comparative study of otolith organs between two species of upside-down swimming catfish Synodontis showing converse swimming postures
K. Ohnishi, Yamamoto, T., Ogawa, Y., Takahashi, A.2002High transmittance of X-rays in the utricular otolith of upside-down swimming catfish, Synodontis nigriventris
K. Ohnishi, Yamamoto, T., Takahashi, A., Tanaka, H., Koyama, M.1999The effect of labyrinthectomy on postural control of upside-down swimming catfish, Synodontis nigriventris, under pseudomicrogravity
D. Okeyo1998Updating names, distribution and ecology of riverine fish of Kenya in the Athi-Galana-Sabaki river drainage system
C. Oliveira, Diogo, R., Vandewalle, P., Chardon, M.2001Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Plotosus lineatus, with comments on Plotosidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) autapomorphies
A. A. Orlov, Baron V. D.2005Responses of the Electrogeneration System of Synodontis (Mochokidae, Siluriformes) to Weak Electric Fields
O. Otero, Gayet M.2001Palaeoichthyofaunas from the Lower Oligocene and Miocene of the Arabian Plate: palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical implications
O. Otero, Pinton, A., Mackaye, H. Taisso, Likius, A.2009First description of a Pliocene ichthyofauna from Central Africa (site KL2, Kolle area, Eastern Djurab, Chad): What do we learn?
O. Otero, Pinton, A., Mackaye, H. Taisso, Likius, A., Vignaud, P., Brunet, M.2010The early/late Pliocene ichthyofauna from Koro-Toro, Eastern Djurab, Chad
O. Owolabi2008The dietary habits of the upside-down catfish, Synodontis membranaceus (Osteichthyes: Mochokidae) in Jebba lake, Nigeria
O. Owolabi2007The Influence of Size, Sex and Season on the Feeding Regime of Synodontis membranaceus (Osteichthyes: Mochokidae) in Jebba Lake, Nigeria
P. Pappenheim1911Zoologische Ergebnisse der Expedition des Herrn G. Tessmann nach Süd-Kamerun und Spanisch-Guinea. Fische
E. Parmentier, Fabri, G., Kaatz, I., Decloux, N., Planes, S., Vandewalle, P.2010Functional study of the pectoral spine stridulation mechanism in different mochokid catfishes.
D. Paugy1987Description de deux nouvelles espèces de Synodontis du bassin du Konkouré (Guinée), S. de kimpei et S. levequei (Pisces, Mochokidae)= Description of two new species of Synodontis from the Konkouré basin (Guinea), S. dekimpei and S. levequei (Pisces, Mocho
J. Pellegrin1938Poissons de l’Afrique équatoriale Fran{\c c}aise de Jean Thomas
J. Pellegrin1936Contribution à l’Ichtyologie de l’Angola
J. Pellegrin1933Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et P. A. Chappuis en Afrique occidentale Fran{\c c}aise (Dec. 1930–Mars 1931). IV. Poissons
J. Pellegrin1930Poissons de l’Ogôoué, du Kouilou, de l’Alima et de la Sangha recueillis par M. A. Bandon. Description de cinq espèces et cinq variétés nouvelles
J. Pellegrin1929Mission Saharienne Augiéras-Draper, 1927-1928. Poissons
J. Pellegrin1928Poisson du Kasai (Congo Belge). Description d’un genre nouveau et de quatre espèces nouvelles
J. Pellegrin1927Description d’un Siluridé nouveau du Cameroun appartenant au genre Synodontis
J. Pellegrin1924Description d’un poisson nouveau du Gabon appartenant au genre Synodontis
J. Pellegrin1924Description d’un Siluridé nouveau récolté au Congo Belge
J. Pellegrin1922Poissons du Gribingui recueillis par M. Baudon. Description d’un Mormyridé et d’un Characinidé nouveaux
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J. Pellegrin1919Poissons du Gribingui recueillis par M. Baudon. Description de sept espèces nouvelles
J. Pellegrin1914Poissons nouveaux du Haut Zambèze recueillis par M. V. Ellenberger
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W. Peters1868Ueber eine von dem Baron Carl von der Decken entdeckte neue Gattung von Welsen, Chiloglanis deckenii, und einige andere Süsswasserfische aus Ostafrika
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W. Pfeiffer, Eisenberg J. F.1965Die lauterzeugung der dornwelse (Doradidae) und der fiederbartwelse (Mochokidae)
M. C. C. de Pinna, Jr, C. J. Ferraris, VARI, R. P.2007A phylogenetic study of the neotropical catfish family Cetopsidae (Osteichthyes, Ostariophysi, Siluriformes), with a new classification
M. C. C. de Pinna, Ng H. Hee2004The second ural centrum in Siluriformes and its implication for the monophyly of superfamily Sisoroidea (Teleostei, Ostariophysi)
A. Pinton, Fara, E., Otero, O.2006Spine anatomy reveals the diversity of catfish through time: a case study of Synodontis (Siluriformes)
A. Pinton, Otero O.2010The bony anatomy of Chadian Synodontis (Osteichthyes, Teleostei, Siluriformes, Mochokidae): interspecific variations and specific characters
A. Pinton, Otero, O., Likius, A., Mackaye, H. Taisso, Vignaud, P., Brunet, M.2011Giants in a minute catfish genus: first description of fossil Mochokus (Siluriformes, Mochokidae) in the Late Miocene of Chad, including M. Gigas, sp. nov.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith