Two new species of Synodontis (Pisces: Siluroidei: Mochokidae) from southern Africa P. H. Skelton and White, P., “Two new species of Synodontis (Pisces: Siluroidei: Mochokidae) from southern Africa”, vol. 1, pp. 277 - 287, 1990. Read more about Two new species of Synodontis (Pisces: Siluroidei: Mochokidae) from southern AfricaGoogle ScholarBibTeXRTFMARCEndNote XMLRIS
The fishes of the Lake Rukwa drainage L. Seegers, “The fishes of the Lake Rukwa drainage”, vol. 278, pp. 1 - 407, 1996. Read more about The fishes of the Lake Rukwa drainageGoogle ScholarBibTeXRTFMARCEndNote XMLRIS
Le statut taxinomique de Synodontis serratus tanganyicae Borodin, 1936 du lac Tanganyika (Teleostei; Mochokidae): synonymie avec S. lacustricolis Poll, 1953 L. de Vos and van den Audenaerde, T., “Le statut taxinomique de Synodontis serratus tanganyicae Borodin, 1936 du lac Tanganyika (Teleostei; Mochokidae): synonymie avec S. lacustricolis Poll, 1953”, vol. 112, pp. 147 - 156, 1998. Read more about Le statut taxinomique de Synodontis serratus tanganyicae Borodin, 1936 du lac Tanganyika (Teleostei; Mochokidae): synonymie avec S. lacustricolis Poll, 1953Google ScholarBibTeXRTFMARCEndNote XMLRIS
Synodontis manni (Teleostei: Mochokidae), a new catfish from the Lower Tana River, Kenya L. de Vos, “Synodontis manni (Teleostei: Mochokidae), a new catfish from the Lower Tana River, Kenya”, vol. 12, pp. 41 - 50, 2001. Read more about Synodontis manni (Teleostei: Mochokidae), a new catfish from the Lower Tana River, KenyaGoogle ScholarBibTeXRTFMARCEndNote XMLRIS